December, 2017

How to Build Your Business from Zero Without Having a Team?

In addition to maintaining it, building your own venture from zero can be quite tasking. Some aspiring people start off trying to build a business and end up failing. This is because to build a business one needs effective input, you need strategies, and most importantly - people. You need like-minded people who will understand the moves you try to make and help you steer clear of trouble when you experience a bit of oversight on your part. But before you think of hunting for your dream team, you have to prepare yourself.

What Can Your Small Business Make Cutbacks On?

With the end of 2017 just around the corner and the start of 2018 on the horizon, many small businesses will be re-evaluating how they can shave costs and boost profits for the new year. Fortunately, there are several different ways to reduce the volume of money leaving your business.

Of course, the idea of cutting back is easier said than done, so here are some ways in which your business can implement cost saving solutions without affecting employee morale or the quality of what you provide.

3 Pretty Good Marketing Ideas

I can’t exactly remember the conversation, but several months ago, my brother-in-law Neale followed up by sending me a complete set of P90X, home workout DVDs.

I like to think it wasn’t some kind of “flab intervention” on his part, but I’m really not sure.

In any case, a couple of days later, I pushed the first disc into the DVD player and gave it a whirl. I have to confess, I didn’t anticipate sticking with it; I’m not much of a home study kind of guy.

4 Tips for Turning One-Time Shoppers into Loyal Customers

When running your own business you should always keep looking for new ways to make more money. And when it comes to increasing your revenue, getting more customers is probably the first solution that comes to your mind. However, besides trying to attract more people to your business, you’ll also need to put a lot of effort into retaining your current customers. If you manage to do this, you’ll be looking at both reduced costs and increased revenue. Still, one question remains – how do you turn one-time shoppers into loyal customers? Here are 4 tips that are guaranteed to help.

Corporate Currency: 4 Money Management Tips for New Business Owners

Starting a new business adventure can be exciting, but also challenging. For a new small business, you will need to be money savvy to turn a profit. Here is a guide with money management tips to help those business owners to become successful.

Start a Budgeting Plan

Having a business plan is only half of the battle when starting a new company. It is also crucial to have a good budget plan. Not only should it pay for any expenditures but also gain a profit. Track all of your business transactions without leaving anything out. Yes, this may seem tedious but necessary to become successful.

Surprising Startup Ideas That Worked

Nowadays startups are gaining more and more popularity. There are many people developing their own startups.

The statistics of business in the USA shows, how strong is the economy of the state, and how private businessmen help develop it. Every month, 543.000 startups are launched in the country. 60% of the Americans believe that the US is a country convenient for entrepreneurship. Looking at the growing number of immigrants and students who move here every year, it can be said that the local "freedom" is exactly what attracts people.

How to Write Blog Posts for Your Target Audience

The key to any successful blog is creating content that speaks to and will attract your intended audience. Knowing exactly who your target audience is and what they want to read will help you to create blog posts that attract and retain them. Here are the three key steps to creating a blog post that does just that:

1.  Find Out Who Your Target Audience Is

4 DropBox Alternatives for Small Business Cloud Storage

Even brick and mortar small businesses need a way to ensure that their financial records are kept safe. Cloud storage brings a host of benefits to businesses of all sizes including secure storage of the company’s most important documents, easy access to files from any device and an opportunity for collaboration across teams and employees.

DropBox may be one of the most popular options for small business cloud storage, but it’s not the only one. There are dozens of DropBox alternatives to consider, and through our research, we narrowed down the 4 most popular DropBox alternatives for small business cloud storage. This list is based on both the highest average rating on TrustRadius and the feedback received from small businesses.

How to Brainstorm with a Vengeance When You’re Stuck on a Task

Ever been stuck with a task that seemed too big to manage? No matter what angle you look at it from, you can’t find a place to start, and for all the world it appears you’ll never get anywhere with it? We all have. The good news is that – no matter how ungainly a task – brainstorming can be a great way to get a foothold on an assignment. Whether you’re pouring over the logistics of a secured-business loan, planning a wedding, or starting your own business these tips can help you get any project off the ground.

5 Loan Worthy Tips to Writing a Business Plan Banks Can’t Resist

Getting your business the capital it needs to thrive is important. Banks finance most successful businesses, and that much needed capital hinges on your business plan. It is important to understand that banks aren’t interested in investing in your company, but they do want timely returns on a successful loan.

The run of the mill bank loan for businesses is debt financing. The process is simple; you accept a loan from a bank, and pay it back. This can be via installments of principal and interest, or interest and balloon payment on the principal.