November, 2019

A More Creative Approach: Catch Clients with Custom Marketing

Gone are the days of advertising to the masses hoping to convert new customers. Now, custom marketing is making all the buzz in catching the attention of a selected target group of individuals. Here are a few creative ways that you can employ custom marketing for your business.


What Is Custom Marketing?

Also referred to as personalized marketing, this type of marketing works by advertising to a select group of people instead of just any ole customer. By employing the use of tracking software to understand the interests of their target audience, businesses can then use that knowledge to their advantage when advertising. It could be giving out promotional items that meet the interest of their target group. For example, promotional water bottles for a physically active target market.

5 Ways Small Businesses Can Save Money And Spur Growth

Saving money and reducing costs should be an ongoing concern for any business from the moment they begin trading. As your business grows, the effects of even small inefficiencies in your spending can be multiplied and grow into a serious source of needless expenditure.

Below are 5 tips any small business can follow to streamline their spending without sacrificing their rate of growth.