April, 2015

Don't Lag Behind: How to Implement New Technology Changes in Your Business this Year

The introduction of new technology into a business presents a unique set of challenges—both for the management team and for the individual employees who are required to use this technology. This challenge is increased by the fact that the majority of managers and business owners might know how to use new technology, but may not be proficient in training others. The following are some ways that business owners and managers can make the transition to new technology easier for their business in the coming year.

5 Reasons Good Office Culture is Important in Business

There was a time when many employers discouraged or ignored office culture. Most companies today understand that this is a mistake. You need to have a strong and positive culture in your workplace to succeed. There are five reasons good office culture is important in business.

Prevent Destructive Conflicts

Good office culture is important because it will reduce stress and friction between employees at every level. The culture makes everyone feel important and connected. This removes the adversarial atmosphere in some companies.

Is Big Data Helping Improve Consumer Finance?

Big data analytics is a new technology that makes it possible for businesses to collect, process, analyze and store vast amounts of varied data at ultrafast speeds.

Additionally, it can deliver valuable insights that can help improve decision-making, which make it especially useful to consumer finance companies.

4 Business Trends for 2015

The manner of handling business today has never been more dynamic with the rapid creation of technological innovations. Retailers in all channels have to be vigilant in monitoring trends if they want to survive the competition, get new customers and retain the loyalty of existing ones. Although other factors play a role in businesses failing, not keeping up to date with business strategies will hasten a store’s demise before it has a chance to recover. Here are trends to adopt for 2015 to keep your enterprise relevant and current, and enable you to maintain and grow your store.

Lessons Small Businesses Can Take from Big Companies to Improve Sales

Often, small businesses are strapped for resources, both human and financial. Owners and employees usually fill many roles – CEO, CFO, human resources, IT, business development, marketing and one of the most important, sales. Unless sales are being made, a small business, or any business, cannot support the other job functions.

Don't Lack Discipline and Good Behavior: How Psychology Applies to Your Business

Business owners struggle to create a business that effortlessly flows. Whether it's the lack of consistent action, unacceptable business practice, or flat out laziness, it can be rather hard to create a business that runs as smooth as a river, adjusting seamlessly to whatever life throws at it. In order to achieve this "business like water" state, applying business psychology is not simply a want, it's a must!

Is Now the Time to Open That Business?

The economy is looking better than it has in a while. Could it be that time ... that time to finally open the business you've been thinking about?

Many people love owning their own business, whether they are the sole employees or if they have some people working for them.

Is Your Online Business Profile a Winner?

Your online business profile is basically your face to the world.

Making sure your business always looks its best is critical to controlling how your business is perceived.

Here's a quick guide to making sure your online profile is solid on three of the most popular social media sites….