October, 2017

5 Ways To Leverage Business Relationships And Gain More Customers

One of the most important ways to grow your customer base is right under your nose. It doesn’t take much extra effort, and it will likely improve your entire business from the top down. Creating an enduring client relationship isn’t just winning them over in the meeting room – it’s “selling” them in every communication you have.

5 Traditional Marketing Techniques That Are Still Being Used Today

The advertising industry has really come a long way in the past couple of decades. Traditional marketing methods such as print advertisements, TV commercial, and radio spots have been replaced with an algorithm that uses customer information including their age, gender, location, browser and browsing patterns, previous purchases and much more in order to provide the customers with products and services they need, just when they need them. Although traditional techniques might seem out of place in today’s predominantly digital world, some of them are highly popular even today.

Discover Your Passion, Follow Your Dreams and Live Your Purpose

Let’s face it, we all have a path and a purpose to live for, right? As a matter of fact, whether we realize it or not, dreams, ambitions and passion are part of every single human being’s life. For some people, their dreams and passion are fulfilled within their career paths, while others it is through parenting, volunteer work, guidance and counselling, you name it. The truth is, regardless of where our passion lies, we all have a bright purpose and it is time you found yours.

5 Features Every Cloud Service Should Have

Cloud computing is now an essential component in any successful business operation. If you are still relying on physical IT infrastructure for your networks, databases and other aspects of your business operations, you are missing out on a lot. Cloud services help to cut on the cost of running your system and boost productivity. Your business information is also more secure on the cloud. In essence, moving your IT services to the cloud is one of the best decisions any business can make today.

Sell A Niche Food? 3 Strategies To Stick In The Market

Being in the niche food industry can be a difficult business to maintain. Ironically enough, however, finding a good niche and selling to it can be one of the best ways to ensure your business’ success. All you may need is a little guidance on how to maximize your success in your niche. Below are 3 strategies to help you stick in the market of selling niche foods.

Start A Crowd-Funding Campaign, Preferably With An Accredited Investor

3 Ways Technology Changed The Millennial Workforce

Fundamentally, the term “technology” simply describes the different types of tools that people use to accomplish tasks with greater speed and efficiency. While technological progress is certainly not exclusive to the 20th and 21st centuries, the last few decades have seen explosive growth in the use of cutting-edge technology in the home and workplace. As the generation that grew up with computers, gadgets and high-speed internet, it’s no wonder that the millennial workforce has been shaped by technology. In fact, 2/3 of millennials think social media is as important as talking in person. Employers in many industries have already felt the effects of this phenomenon as they recruit and integrate new employees into their company.

6 Strategies to Finding the Right Products to Sell Online

Coming up with new business ideas can seem overwhelming, however, it is a crucial step that will inevitably shape your entire business. 

Imagine for a moment that finding niche products to sell online is like solving a math problem. At first, it may seem impossible; how can we find a numerical value for X? Until you realise by following a few simple rules you arrive at the correct answer. 

What's the Difference Between a Micro, Small, and Medium Business?

You may have heard the terms “micro-business,” “SMB,” or “mid-sized business” used interchangeably to refer to any business smaller than a multinational corporation. However, these terms describe very different kinds of organizations, each with its own specifications and legal status, and the way we classify businesses in the U.S. is important to understand when building a business of any size.